Massage Therapy Pompano Beach

Massage therapy was once thought of as an indulgence. But, as more and increasing numbers of people are receiving regular massages and recognizing the benefits. It has become more popular and in demand. Numerous insurance companies now offer massage therapy.

This form of therapy involves the use of hands to improve circulation, relieve tension, decrease anxiety, ease stress and improve sleep. It can also promote relaxation throughout the entire body, which all lead to other benefits. It's worth investigating spa Pompano Beach, regardless of whether they are suffering from chronic or acute tension. It may also be a pre-emptive measure for future problems. These are some of the benefits of massage therapy.


If the body is in a state of tension and stressed the body produces excessive levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) which may cause insomnia, weight gain as well as digestive issues and headaches. These can lead to more serious health issues. The body can go into an energizing state by allowing massage therapy to reduce cortisol levels. Massage therapy can also bring lasting feelings of calm, better mood, and decreased stress levels which in addition to health benefits, can improve one's quality of life.

Reducing stress

Massage therapy can help relieve stress, and regular massages can help increase performance, decrease pain, stimulate the mind, and improve mood.

Muscle Flexibility and Relaxation

The aim of massage therapy is to address the root of body pain by relieving tension in muscles, enhancing flexibility, and providing relaxation to the injured muscles as well as the body in general. Massage also promotes circulation to the affected or injured muscles, which increases oxygen and nutrients to tissues that are damaged. This increased activity to the affected locations reduces stiffness as well as edema (swelling) in joints and muscles, as well as increases flexibility, helping to reduce pain. This therapy releases endorphins, which are pain-killing hormones that increase the levels in the body of dopamine (the happiness chemicals) and serotonin. These hormones can benefit the body, both emotionally and physically. If you are looking for the best solution for facial Pompano Beach and facial Pompano Beach, then you must go to website.

Improved Circulation

Massage therapy provides numerous long-term benefits that should not be overlooked. Massage therapy can boost circulation. This is because the proper circulation gives damaged tight, stiff and tense muscles the rich blood supply they need to promote healing.

Pressure on the hands is a result of increased circulation. It moves blood through congested and damaged areas. The release of this same pressure triggers the flow of blood to tissues.The squeeze, twisting and pulling of the massage can also help remove the lactic acid from muscle tissues. The result is increased lymph fluid circulation which carries metabolic waste products away from muscles and internal organs. This is reflected in lower blood pressure levels as well as enhanced overall body function.

Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure may be reduced through regular massage sessions. A study published in the journal Biological Research for Nursing found that people who had at minimum three back massages lasting 10 minutes per week reduced their blood pressure more than those who spent the same amount of time just taking a break.

A massage for an individual may also reduce cortisol levels. Regular massage sessions may also help reduce anxiety, hostility and tension. This will in turn reduce the risk of suffering from heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and various other health issues.

Better Posture

Many people suffer from neck, back, and muscle pain due to a variety of reasons. But the root cause of this pain results due to poor posture. In reality, chronic back pain, which is the leading reason behind missed work days and second most common cause of disability, is usually caused by improper or unnatural posture when standing and/or sitting. Being overweight or having poor posture and repeating movements can also contribute to the tension on the back as well as other troublesome areas. The additional strain could cause tightness, spasms, pain and strain in the hips and glutes, back and neck, as well as spasms and stiffness.

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